About Us
Travis County Emergency Services District 12 (TCESD12) was created in 1996 after voters approved the change from Rural Fire Protection District 9. TCESD12 provides fire protection, rescue, and emergency medical services to the city of Manor, Webberville, Littig, New Sweden, Decker Creek, 130 Toll Road, and the US Highway 290 corridor between Austin and Elgin. We service these areas with three stations that respond to over 5,000 emergencies annually.
Travis County District Map

Board of Commissioners
TCESD12 is governed by a board of five members appointed by the Commissioners Court of Travis County and serves two-year terms. Board members are responsible for developing and administering the annual budget for TCESD12 and establishing the tax rate for the district. Funding for TCESD12 is done through property taxes that are set at a rate that currently cannot exceed .10 cents per $100 dollar property evaluation; a relatively small price to pay for quality fire protection and emergency medical first response care.
The Board of Commissioners for TCESD12 also takes an active part in the future planning and growth of the district and is responsible for the hiring of the district's Fire Chief, who serves along with the board in a capacity as the district's Chief Executive Officer. TCESD12 Commissioners are a vital part of the success of our district because the vision they share with the rest of our staff shows great commitment to our community.
Monthly Commissioner's Meeting:
The public is invited to join us on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM at TCESD12 Administrative Office: 11200 Gregg Lane, Manor, TX 78653.
The Board of Commissioners for Travis County ESD NO. 12:
Jesse Arellano, President
Clem Zabalza, Vice President
Shawn Barnes, Secretary
Ronald Fowler, Treasurer
Eric Anderson, Deputy Treasurer
Station 1201 named In memory of Commissioners
S.J. Fowler, President
Giles Garmon, Vice President: 1996 - 2013
The Board of Commissioners for TCESD12 also takes an active part in the future planning and growth of the district and is responsible for the hiring of the district's Fire Chief, who serves along with the board in a capacity as the district's Chief Executive Officer. TCESD12 Commissioners are a vital part of the success of our district because the vision they share with the rest of our staff shows great commitment to our community.
Monthly Commissioner's Meeting:
The public is invited to join us on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM at TCESD12 Administrative Office: 11200 Gregg Lane, Manor, TX 78653.
The Board of Commissioners for Travis County ESD NO. 12:
Jesse Arellano, President
Clem Zabalza, Vice President
Shawn Barnes, Secretary
Ronald Fowler, Treasurer
Eric Anderson, Deputy Treasurer
Station 1201 named In memory of Commissioners
S.J. Fowler, President
Giles Garmon, Vice President: 1996 - 2013
Frequently Asked Questions about Emergency Services Districts (E.S.D.)
Q: What is an Emergency Services District?
A: An Emergency Services District is a political subdivision of the State of Texas, similar to a School District, Library District, or Hospital District. There are 12 Emergency Services Districts in Travis County.
Q: What does an Emergency Services District do?
A: Depending on the Emergency Services District's creation documents, an Emergency Services District can provide fire protection, emergency medical services, or both.
Q: How are Emergency Services Districts created?
A: Emergency Services Districts are created through a “grassroots” effort: A petition signed by at least 100 voters in the proposed district must be presented to the County Commissioners Court in the county (or counties) in which the Emergency Services District is intended to exist. If the Emergency Services District is deemed feasible and necessary by the Commissioners Court, an election is called in which the voters in the proposed District must elect to create the District. If a majority of the votes are cast in favor of creation, the District is created.
Q: How are Emergency Services Districts governed?
A: A board of five commissioners governs Emergency Services Districts. In most counties in Texas, the County Commissioners Court appoints the commissioners to two-year terms.
Q: Are Emergency Services Districts an extension or a department of the county’s government?
A: No, they are an independent governmental entity.
Q: How are Emergency Services Districts funded?
A: Emergency Services Districts are allowed to levy ad valorem (property) tax. The Texas Constitution states that Emergency Services Districts may tax up to a max of $0.10 per $100 of property valuation. (A home certified at $100,000 will help fund the Emergency Services District by $100 a year) The Emergency Services District's creation documents establish the district’s initial tax rate.
Emergency Services Districts may also collect sales tax, provided an election is held and voters approve of this power. In Texas, 8.25% is the maximum allowed sales tax rate. The state collects 6.25%, leaving 2% available to eligible local jurisdictions, including Emergency Services Districts. An Emergency Services District may collect anywhere from .125% to 2% of the local sales tax rate depending on availability and subject to voter approval.
Q: Do Emergency Services Districts have board meetings?
A: By law, Emergency Services District's boards must meet at least once a month. All meetings are subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act. Emergency Services Districts must also comply with the Texas Public Information Act concerning open records requests and records retention.
Q: Is there any training or continuing education required for Emergency Services Districts Commissioners?
A: Yes, each commissioner must complete at least 6 hours of certified training in a two-year period.
Q: Are Emergency Services Districts subject to Truth-in-Taxation requirements regarding their budgets and tax rates?
A: Yes. As a political subdivision, Emergency Services Districts must comply with all Truth-in-Taxation requirements.
Q: How do Emergency Services Districts provide services to the public?
A: Emergency Services Districts provide services in a variety of ways. Some Emergency Services Districts chose to contract with an independent service provider, such as a fire department or an ambulance service. Other Emergency Services Districts chose to function as the service provider themselves, taking on the role of overseeing the actual day-to-day management of the services.
A: An Emergency Services District is a political subdivision of the State of Texas, similar to a School District, Library District, or Hospital District. There are 12 Emergency Services Districts in Travis County.
Q: What does an Emergency Services District do?
A: Depending on the Emergency Services District's creation documents, an Emergency Services District can provide fire protection, emergency medical services, or both.
Q: How are Emergency Services Districts created?
A: Emergency Services Districts are created through a “grassroots” effort: A petition signed by at least 100 voters in the proposed district must be presented to the County Commissioners Court in the county (or counties) in which the Emergency Services District is intended to exist. If the Emergency Services District is deemed feasible and necessary by the Commissioners Court, an election is called in which the voters in the proposed District must elect to create the District. If a majority of the votes are cast in favor of creation, the District is created.
Q: How are Emergency Services Districts governed?
A: A board of five commissioners governs Emergency Services Districts. In most counties in Texas, the County Commissioners Court appoints the commissioners to two-year terms.
Q: Are Emergency Services Districts an extension or a department of the county’s government?
A: No, they are an independent governmental entity.
Q: How are Emergency Services Districts funded?
A: Emergency Services Districts are allowed to levy ad valorem (property) tax. The Texas Constitution states that Emergency Services Districts may tax up to a max of $0.10 per $100 of property valuation. (A home certified at $100,000 will help fund the Emergency Services District by $100 a year) The Emergency Services District's creation documents establish the district’s initial tax rate.
Emergency Services Districts may also collect sales tax, provided an election is held and voters approve of this power. In Texas, 8.25% is the maximum allowed sales tax rate. The state collects 6.25%, leaving 2% available to eligible local jurisdictions, including Emergency Services Districts. An Emergency Services District may collect anywhere from .125% to 2% of the local sales tax rate depending on availability and subject to voter approval.
Q: Do Emergency Services Districts have board meetings?
A: By law, Emergency Services District's boards must meet at least once a month. All meetings are subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act. Emergency Services Districts must also comply with the Texas Public Information Act concerning open records requests and records retention.
Q: Is there any training or continuing education required for Emergency Services Districts Commissioners?
A: Yes, each commissioner must complete at least 6 hours of certified training in a two-year period.
Q: Are Emergency Services Districts subject to Truth-in-Taxation requirements regarding their budgets and tax rates?
A: Yes. As a political subdivision, Emergency Services Districts must comply with all Truth-in-Taxation requirements.
Q: How do Emergency Services Districts provide services to the public?
A: Emergency Services Districts provide services in a variety of ways. Some Emergency Services Districts chose to contract with an independent service provider, such as a fire department or an ambulance service. Other Emergency Services Districts chose to function as the service provider themselves, taking on the role of overseeing the actual day-to-day management of the services.